A Tale of the Working (Wo)Man, Pieńków Gallery, Knoxville, USA
Through the Looking Glass, Holistic Clinic, Kraków
Convergent Messier 42, Kraków
Further View, The Congres of Space Law Cosmo 2015, Instytut Allerhanda,
Polonia Palace Hotel, Warszawa
River Ride, BWA Rzeszów
Aktive Betrachtung, Galerie Nielaba, Bern, Switzerland
#GetNoticed, Gallery Lasem, Kraków
Painting, Showroom Gallery Stalowa, Zamość
Binder – The overspace of color, Gallery Na Lato, Warszawa
Painting, The exhibition at the Gala of Gazzetta Italia Awards, Pałac Zamoyskich, Warszawa
The Artificial Nature, Radna 6/8, Warszawa
The Painting, Mont des Arts Gallery, Brussels
Art Decoder, office building UBS Bank Kraków
The My East, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland in EU, Brussels.
Mirror Phase, BWA Gallery, Zamosc (individual exhibition)
Mirror Phase, Sol Art Gallery, Dublin (individual exhibition)
Mirror Phase, Gallery Pienkow (individual exhibition)
Mirror Phase, Marcin Kowalik, Moray Hillary, Agnes Nedregard, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
Discovery, Warsow Artfair, box Artsupport
Scope Miami box Faktoria Artystyczna
Kompas Młodej Sztuki, PKOL Warszawa
2011 :
Kinderspiele, Zbiornik Kultury, Kraków
Wuthering Heights, Ola Narr, Oslo
Berlin Preview, box Gallery Program
The Merger – by following this 1 easy ruleI, Chicago
Kunst im Wohnzimmer , Herford
The Whole Place is dark 3, Cellar Gallery Kraków (organizer)
A Colourful Box on Snow, Painting, PKOL, Warszawa (individual exhibition)
Unknown Kingdom, Painting, National Museum, Kraków (individual exhibition)
Re-Visit, Marcin Kowalik and Invited Artists from Ateliers Höherweg 271 , Düsseldorf, Gallery Program, Warszawa organizer)
Fotomix, Marek Gardulski + Emil Zander x Marcin Kowalik, Photografic Studio of Emil Zander, Düsseldorf (organizer)
The whole place is dark and we see, Kraków, Wrocław (organizer)
Fragments, Kolonia (organizer)
The Boundaries of Identity, Kolonia, Kraków
Error%?: art., 1 500m2 do wynajecia, Warszawa (organizer)
Christmas Palm, Berlin Freies Museum, Tacheles, Der Ort Galerie, Belletage, Whiteconcepts Gallery, Absence of Art Gallery, Galeria Zero (organizer)
Landsacape in a Box, Painting, Gallery Artemis, Kraków (individual exhibition)
Space of a Painting, , performance, instalacja, Atteliers Höherweg,Düsseldorf (individual exhibition)
Wagnis Wirklichkeit, Realismus in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, 16 Künstlerpositionen Galerie Epikur, Wuppertal
!artgame! – Marcin Kowalik + Paul Schwer, Club 69, Münster
16 Things that Could be not Found, Artpol, Kraków
The 100th Salon of Orlean Artists (honorary guest), Orlean
Crosskick, Kunsthalle, Lingen
ARTFAIR 21 , Gallery Epikur, Kolonia
Space of Travel, Scarbata Galerie, Lipsk (individual exhibition)
The Best Diplomas 2006, The Palace of Art TPSP, Kraków
Self-portrait, Museum Stalowa Wola, Kraków, Lwów
Dreaming, Kancelei Rottermund, Hamburg (individual exhibition)
Painting, ING Bank Slaski, Kraków (individual exhibition)